
"you must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence."

Friday, December 03, 2004

a new pc, finally!

it's not ours actually, but my former manager's (sir tiger) who graciously lent it to me. well, at least i won't be bored at home during the holidays. i plan to start looking for a new job by january pa, so in the meantime, with a lot of free time (and a new pc), i can learn whatever i want to learn at home.

we did have a pc before that. it was a digital equipment notebook (borrowed also) which ran on an pentium 1 133 mhz with 32 mb ram and 1 gb hdd (and a busted floppy drive and sometimes erratic cd-rom). state of the art huh? yeah, seven years ago. heck, i can't even install java 1.4 in there because of the specs and with java 1.3, compiling even a trivial program takes about 20 seconds.

as i always say though, it's not the specs, it's what you do with it. and even on that crappy notebook, i did learn a lot of things: basic java programming, memory allocation in c (i used to be irrationally scared of pointers before), nasm assembly (which i seem to have forgotten now), and vim (the best editor in the world!).


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